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Bid by Widget - Upload bid CSV tool

A guide on making mass bid changes by widget. Utilizing the Bid by Widget CSV upload tool

Advertisers have the ability to mass update & add widget bids by CSV upload with RevContent's "Upload Bid CSV" tool. To use this feature:

  • Navigate to the “Widget Targeting” tab
  • In the upper right hand corner you’ll select the green “Upload bid CSV” button

Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 1.35.43 PM

  • You’ll now be prompted to select and upload a CSV file containing your widget bid updates and/or additions
    • To properly format a CSV for use with this tool, create a spreadsheet, saved as a .csv file where:
      • Column A: widget ID
      • Column B: CPC 
        • All bids must be greater than or equal to $0.001
      • NOTE: remove any column headers
  • In just a moment you should receive a green success message confirming the widgets provided have been updated

NOTE: in order for this feature to work properly

  • The uploaded file must be in CSV format
  • Column A should contain the list of widget IDs (with no header in the first row)
  • Column B should contain the correlating widget bid to the thousandth decimal place (with no header in the first row)
  • All bid values MUST be greater than $0.001
    • If there are blank or $0.00 bid values, you will receive an error