We've made updates to our API and widget ad tags to support CCPA consent parameters. Our latest widget ad tags now support an optional data attribute data-us-privacy which can be populated prior to loading our script. Our API and legacy widget ad tags support the optional parameter us-privacy within the URL.
Additionally, we support the usage of IAB's US Privacy User Signal API for exchanging CCPA consent string. Publishers are required to expose function __uspapi on their pages in order to return consent string. On widget load user signal API is called with a timeout of 200ms.
Our API also supports query parameters gpp and gpp_sid. If you prefer using script attributes, you can set attributes data-gpp and data-gpp-sid. We also support the usage of IAB function __gpp.
API Widgets:
Replace placeholder <CCPA_STRING> with valid consent string
Standard Widgets (current format):
Add the attribute data-us-privacy along with a valid CCPA String as the value
<script src="https://assets.revcontent.com/master/delivery.js" defer="defer"></script>
Standard Widgets (old/legacy format):
Replace placeholder <CCPA_STRING> with valid consent string
<div id="rcjsload_2ff711"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var rcel = document.createElement("script");
var referer = "";
try {
if (referer = document.referrer, "undefined" == typeof referer) throw "undefined"
} catch (exception) {
referer = document.location.href, ("" == referer || "undefined" == typeof referer) && (referer = document.URL)
referer = referer.substr(0, 700);
var usPrivacy = "&us_privacy=<CCPA_STRING>";
rcel.id = 'rc_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
rcel.type = 'text/javascript';
rcel.src = "//trends.revcontent.com/serve.js.php?uitm=1&w=<WIDGET_ID>&t=" + rcel.id + "&c=" + (new Date()).getTime() + "&width=" + (window.outerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) + "&referer=" + referer + usPrivacy;
rcel.async = true;
var rcds = document.getElementById("rcjsload_2ff711");