Dating, Personals, and Relationships Policy Guidelines

The promotion of dating services must adhere to the policies listed below:

Campaigns Can:

  1. Promote brand-safe dating online services (eHarmony, Silver Singles, etc.).

Campaigns Cannot:

  1. Promote any kind of sexual encounters ("hook up tonight" etc.).

  2. Contain nudity or sexually explicit imagery.

  3. Promote or facilitate services including trafficking or exploitation (including exploitation of demographic differences such as "international dating", or “Mail order brides”).

  4. Contain language that promotes infidelity.

  5. Promote escort services.

  6. Promote any kind of video chatting.

Thumbnails and Headlines Cannot:

  1. Make or imply statements like "have an affair".

  2. Use images of people in bed.

  3. Use images of women in underwear/lingerie.

  4. Make sexual references in the headline or through the use of an image.

Approved Example: 


Denied Example:


What happens if I violate this policy?

  • Ad denial: Ads that don't follow this policy may get denied. A denied ad won't be able to run until the policy violation is fixed and the ad is approved.
  • Domain Disabling / Suspension: We may suspend websites that violate this policy, meaning that the website can no longer be advertised with Revcontent until the problem is fixed.
  • Account Termination: An account may get terminated if you have several violations or a serious violation. If this happens, all ads in the terminated account will stop running, and we may no longer accept advertising from you. Any related accounts may also be terminated and your new accounts may get automatically suspended at setup.