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A list of common industry acronyms & terms (jargon) that we use at RevContent

A/B Testing 

  • A/B testing is used to find what performs best for you. Typically, while A/B testing you are testing multiple parts of one boost at the same time. (ex: testing 2 different images with the same headline)  

Account ID

  • This number is unique to the individual user. It can be found inside of a user’s login, in their account settings tab.


  • Refers to your account with Revcontent. Each account is connected to a unique email address, a user’s billing information, contact information, and password.


  • For Publishers, allows consumers to know you are an approved distributor. Using this tool helps legitimize your traffic to users. For more information on this, please see our FAQ on Ads.txt

API (Application Programming Interface)

  • Allows the client, to integrate entirely with the revcontent platform without having to go into the UI while being able to automate tasks such as pulling stats, uploading content from the platform, etc.

Auto Funding

  • Option where you set your account to replenish your funds when they get low automatically. For more information, please see our FAQ on Auto Funding

AVS Mismatch

  • This means there is a discrepancy between what you have entered as your billing address and what the bank has on file. Your information needs to match exactly, including spelling out of street suffix, line spacing, etc. If you see this error, you will need to contact your bank as this is not something we can bypass.

Boost (aka Campaign) 

  • An advertising campaign that is made up of a combination of creative, headline, description & display URL, targeting, and tracking.

Brand Name (Branding, Branding Text, Sponsored Text)

  • Text that appears below each individual ad in a widget that lets users know who’s ad it is. 

Call To Action (CTA)

  • The point where you want users to take action and move further into your funnel/make a purchase.


  • This stat indicates the number of times users have clicked on your campaign.


  • Refers to the practice of presenting different content or URLs to users depending on users location/device.


  • This occurs when a user interacts with your page in what is desirable to you for your business, whether it is viewing a page, purchasing a product, or signing up for a free trial etc. 

Conversion Tracking 

  • Ability to keep track of and report conversions. 

Conversion Tracking Code 

  • Code to be placed on a website to enable conversion tracking. To learn more about this, please visit our FAQ on Conversion Tracking

CPA (Cost Per Action)

  • In a CPA model, you are paying out after a specific action.  Revcontent does not operate on this model.

CPC (Cost per Click) 

  • Amount an advertiser pays for each click on their campaign. This is the model Revcontent operates off of.

CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions)

  • In a CPM model, you are paying a cost for every thousand impressions. Revcontent does not operate on this model.

Creative (Ad Copy) 

  • Refers to the image and headline combination that will be displayed to users on the publishers sites.

CTR (Click thru Rate) 

  • The number of clicks an ad receives divided by the number of times the ad was shown to viewers expressed as a percentage.

Daily Budget 

  • This number is the amount an advertiser is looking to spend on a particular campaign per day.

Destination URL (Landing Page)

  • The URL provided by an advertiser for their campaign. This URL is the destination that an advertiser is trying to drive traffic to.

Direct Response (Advertorial, DR)

  • An advertisement that calls for the viewer to take action on an offer. 


  • Traditionally being in distribution means you are in the process of having your goods or services shared among a large group of recipients. However that is not how distribution works in our system. It’s confusing, we know. Actually, being in distribution for us means your ads are being distributed across a larger percentage of our available widgets until you adjust your bid on the widget let. Prior to doing this your campaigns are only being exposed to a sample of the available traffic, about 10% of the potential volume available to you. For more information on this, please see our FAQ on Bid By Widget

Editorial (Arb, Arbitrage, Content) 

  •  An advertisement that directs users to the advertiser’s own website. The goal for editorial campaigns is to get users to the advertiser’s site in an effort to monetize them with their own ads, promote an article, or expand their audience. 


  • Text that is a part of the creative. 


  • Picture that is a part of the creative 


  • When the landing page has loaded and you’ve won the traffic. Please note: this does not mean your ad was viewed. Please see viewable impressions for more on that subject.

KPI (Key Performance Indicator)

  •  This is a business term for what metrics you use to determine success.


  • Derived from "malicious software," refers to any software specifically designed to harm a computer. Malware can steal sensitive information (like credit card numbers or passwords) or even send fake emails from a user's email account. Revcontent considers the promotion or tech support redirects to be malicious and a sign of malware.


  • This feature, available in the campaign settings, ensures a campaign spends throughout the day instead of spending your entire budget all at once.

 Page View per Session (PV/S)

  • This is a Google Analytics stat that shows how many pages a user sees during a visit to a site, this is not the same as conversions.

Payee Profile (Tipalti)

  • Only applies to publishers. Located inside of your account settings, to quickly navigate to the correct location please click here. In this tab, publishers fill out the necessary forms to make them eligible to be paid by Revcontent. Earnings will be unable to be paid out to a publisher until after this section is completed and verified by our accounting department. For more information, see our FAQ on Publisher Payment Requirements.


  • Is an attempt to obtain users' personal information by disguising their website to look like another website.


  • A line of code placed on page to send information.


  • Traffic that is through push notifications. Unlike traditional traffic, clicks can happen for up to 24 hours after the initial impression.


  • A user who was previously targeted and has a cookie that allows them to be targeted again. Please be aware, Revcontent does not offer this sort of targeting.

ROI (Return on Investment) 

  • Simply what you are making back after deducting the cost of what you put in.

RON (Run Of the Network, Brand Safe)

  • Content that has been deemed of high enough quality to run across our entire network. 

ROW (Run Of World)

  • This refers to campaigns that are targeting all countries.

RTB (Real Time Bidding)

  • Traffic available through our third party partners, placements are being won in real time.

Server to Server (S2S) Tracking 

  • Tracking option for when a pixel cannot be placed. It assigns a unique designator to each user and is set on the server rather than the landing page.

Target Channel (Topic)

  • Tab in an advertiser’s login that lists the targeting channels they can select. The target channels are broken down by traffic type: Native, Push, and Adblock. 


  • Is a simple code that you can attach to a custom URL in order to track a source, medium, and campaign name.

vCPM (Viewable Impressions Per Thousand)

  • A vCPM model works similarly to a CPM model, except you are only paying for viewable impressions and not every impression. This is one of the models Revcontent operates off of.

Vertical (Niche)

  • The subset of the market on which a specific product is focused. (ex: Auto Insurance, Weight Loss, Skin Care, etc.)

Viewable Impressions 

  • This occurs when the landing page has loaded and your ad was visible to the user.


  • Area on a webpage where ads are displayed.

Widget Targeting (Bid By Widget or BBW)

  • This is the final tab inside a campaign set up. Setting your bids here allows you to bid on traffic from a particular widget, opening you up to more volume from the sources you bid on.