Healthcare Policy Guidelines

The promotion of any Healthcare products must adhere to the policies listed below:

Campaign Requirements for All Health Categories:

  1. Advertisements must meet all applicable regulatory guidelines and laws if promoting health care services, products, or supplements.

  2. Adhere to our Advertorial-Themed LP's policies when applicable.

  3. Health claims about a product or its ingredients must be easily substantiated by general knowledge. More specific claims must be supported by studies that are related to the product or its ingredients using clinical studies, consumer testing, or other scientific evidence that is linked on the initial landing page.

Campaigns Cannot

  1. Make exaggerated health claims such as preventing, curing, or reversing any disease.

  2. Claim to get users pregnant or increase fertility.

  3. Use the likeness of any celebrity without proper disclosures and proof of endorsement linked out on the landing page.

  4. Promote:

    1. The sale of organs/blood

    2. Illegal or recreational drugs

    3. Treatments and/or prevention for Sexually Transmitted Diseases

    4. Direct sale of prescription drugs

Thumbnails and Headlines Cannot:

  1. Contain before and after images.

  2. Use images that show cream or an unidentifiable substance on fingers/hands without the product being displayed in the image as well.

  3. Show zoomed-in body parts/defects such as stomachs, moles, fungus, balding, or rashes.

  4. Contain images of unidentifiable or rotten food.

  5. Headlines cannot make aggressive health claims (cure, reverse, etc.).

  6. Headlines cannot make claims related to how quickly the product starts working (Relieve pain in 2 Hours).

    Hair Loss

    Hair Approved               Hair Denied


    FeetApproved               FeetDenied


    VisionApproved               VisionDenied


    skinApproved               SkinDenied

Additional Healthcare requirements:


Campaign Requirements: 

  1. Any health or medical claims about a supplement or its ingredients must be easily substantiated by general knowledge. More specific claims must be supported by studies that are related to the product or its ingredients through clinical studies, consumer testing, or other scientific evidence that is linked on the initial landing page.

  2. All non-weight loss health claims must include the following disclosure clearly and prominently presented, in 12-point font or 16 pixels, 4:5 contrast ratio, stating:  "Representations regarding the efficacy and safety of [product name] have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA only evaluates foods and drugs, not supplements like these products. These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. Click here [link out to material] to find evidence of a test, analysis, research, or study describing the benefits, performance, or efficacy of [product or ingredient name] based on the expertise of relevant professionals."

Campaigns Can:

  1. Promote supplements on well-known e-commerce sites without the need to link out supporting clinical studies for health claims.

Campaigns Cannot:

  1. Imply the supplement is an alternative to, or more effective than conventional 'Over-the-counter' or prescription medicines.

*Please note, our supplement policies include products intended both for humans and animals

FDA Approval

  1. Any campaign claiming a product has FDA approval must substantiate this claim with a hyperlink on the initial landing page. The link can be in a disclaimer at the bottom of the landing page. Additional information on this can be found in the FDA database search engine.

Third-Party Trial Offers

Campaigns Requirements:

  1. Include a clear and conspicuous disclosure in close proximity to require joining a subscription program, the user may be billed until the user cancels and other charges may apply.  (Ex.: “Participation may require joining a subscription program in which you will be billed until you cancel.  See the terms and conditions on the website for details.  S&H and other charges may apply.”).

  2. Provide disclosure of S&H and the other material terms (including rebill terms) of the offer displayed prominently, and in close proximity to the credit card submit field.

  3. Provide users the opportunity to affirmatively consent to recurrent billing or subscriptions such as checking a box that clearly discloses the terms of the subscription.

  4. If a purchase page does not contain an auto-renewal opt-in disclosure, and you do not have control over that purchase page, then your initial landing page must disclose the auto-renewal terms clearly and conspicuously (Example: "X supplement offers a 30-day trial for just $4.95 in shipping, however, you'll continue getting a new supply every month at the usual rate of $39.99 until canceling your subscription").

Campaigns Cannot:

  1. Use any language to try and hide auto-renewal subscriptions.

  2. Claim a product or service is “free” unless the claim is immediately followed by a disclosure providing the subscription details.

  3. Reference a “trial” period without a disclosure stating the length of the trial period.


Campaigns Can:

  1. Make mention of glucose and sugar levels.

  2. Claim to help manage the symptoms of diabetes if there is sufficient substantiation to verify these claims linked out on the initial landing page.

Thumbnails and Headlines Cannot:

  1. Show swollen/disturbing body parts.

  2. Claim to reverse, cure or “get rid” of diabetes.

  3. Use headlines that suggest the supplement being promoted is an alternative to or more effective than conventional 'Over-the-counter' or prescription medicines for diabetes (ex. Metformin).

diabetesApproved                diabetesDenied

Men’s Health

Campaigns Cannot:

  1. Contain nudity or sexually explicit imagery or language.

Thumbnails and Headlines Cannot:

  1. Headlines cannot use the terms 'Erectile Dysfunction'.

  2. Contain nudity or sexually explicit imagery.

  3. Use images of people in bed.

  4. Make sexual references in the headline or through the use of an image.

mensApproved                     Mens Denied

Self Improvement

Self Improvement offers include any programs, products, or services that offer solutions for physical, mental, financial, or spiritual improvement. Examples include advertisements ranging from nutrition, brain function improvements, hair strengthening products, and visual improvements.


Campaigns Cannot:

  1. Make unrealistic claims about potential results.

  2. Claim to improve memory or cognitive function or prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's without providing a link to sufficient clinical substantiation on the initial landing page.

 What happens if I violate this policy?

  • Ad denial: Ads that don't follow this policy may get denied. A denied ad won't be able to run until the policy violation is fixed and the ad is approved.
  • Domain Disabling / Suspension: We may suspend websites that violate this policy, meaning that the website can no longer be advertised with Revcontent until the problem is fixed.
  • Account Termination: An account may get terminated if you have several violations or a serious violation. If this happens, all ads in the terminated account will stop running, and we may no longer accept advertising from you. Any related accounts may also be terminated and your new accounts may get automatically suspended at setup.