Server to Server (S2S) Conversion Tracking

A guide on setting up S2S conversion tracking, the most accurate conversion reporting method

NOTE: this tracking method should not be used in conjunction with conversion pixels. Using both together will result in duplicate conversions reported

How S2S Tracking Works & the Benefits:

Unlike standard image pixel tracking, server to server (S2S) tracking (also known as cookie-less tracking and postback URL tracking) does not require any modifications to an Advertiser’s site or landing page code. Whenever a unique click to a campaign occurs, instead of using a cookie, Revcontent appends a unique ID (rc_uuid) to the Advertiser’s destination URL, which is stored server-side. Once a successful conversion occurs, the unique ID (rc_uuid), along with any conversion events, are sent back to Revcontent from the Advertiser’s server by way of postback, and are matched to the user.

S2S is especially useful for mobile app tracking, where limitations with cookie placements are likely to exist. Additional benefits over standard pixel tracking include:

Greater reporting accuracy 
Increased security
More opportunities for optimization


S2S Postback Structure 

  • Endpoint:
  • Supported Methods:
    POST & GET 
  • Required Parameters:
    api_key - your api access key

    rc_uuid - unique ID (the "rc_uuid" value) identifying the user who initiated the click

    amount - value of each unique conversion
  • Optional Parameters:
    user_ip - IP address of the user that initiated the click

    user_agent - user agent string of the user that initiated the click

Example of Final Postback Structure:<your_api_key>&rc_uuid=<rc_uuid_value>&amount=<conversion_value>

Summarizing the Process

  • Advertiser's content is actively serving on widgets
  • The content is clicked on
  • The "rc_uuid" parameter and value are appended to the content's destination URL

The "rc_uuid" parameter and value are automatically appended to your content destination URLs following a successful click event. Do not manually add "rc_uuid" to your campaign's tracking variables or content URLs

  • The Advertiser captures the unique "rc_uuid" value appended to their content's URL, and following a conversion event sends it back to Revcontent via postback with all three required parameters and their correlating values filled in
  • Upon submission, the postback conversion data is matched up with the original click event & a conversion is generated in the Advertiser’s account


  • If your postback response is coming back invalid, ensure all 3 required parameters and their correlating values are being passed:
  • Ensure your API key does not have any typos
  • If you've manually added the "rc_uuid" parameter to your campaign's tracking variables or content URLs you'll need to remove it. This parameter and its correlating unique value are automatically appended to your content URLs following a successful click event.
  • If you're not receiving the "rc_uuid" values we're passing, confirm:
    1) your campaign is actively serving. If it's not active, the parameter and values will not be appended.
    2) if you're using redirects, confirm you're forwarding all parameters thru to the final landing URL. Failure to do so will result in parameters and their values being dropped upon the initial redirect.

If you've double-checked all of the above and are still experiencing issues, please reach out to your account representative or to troubleshoot your configuration further