Validating Email Newsletter Setup

It is critical that all newsletters are properly tested before going live with any email advertising. This is a required step before being able to monetize any newsletter.

  1. Publishers adds on every newsletter list that will contain RevContent advertising. This is to ensure that checks can be done over time without further publisher work.
  2. RevContent receives live newsletter and builds ad code with that example.
  3. Publisher integrates ad code for each specific placement into their newsletter template.
  4. Publisher ensures that the correct merge tags for their ESP has been used in the ad code.
  5. Publisher sends a test email to: to ensure that the ad code integration is working correctly.
  6. RevContent will inspect the test send and perform a series of checks to ensure that the integration is functioning correctly.
  7. RevContent and the publisher will work together to resolve any issues before going live and multiple test sends may be required.
  8. Publisher is able to monetize their newsletters.